Virginia R. Degner

Full Book synopsis/summary:

The Letters of C.M. Case as written to his granddaughter Virginia MacIntosh Degner, span his memories as a soldier in the Boxer Rebellion in China to the Spanish American War in Cuba from1901 to 1905. The letters starting in 1955 when his granddaughter was 15 years old, continued until 1967. Calvin Milton Case died in November of 1968 at age of 88 years old. The Case Letters not only contain a rich trove of memories of the battles he fought in but also helped bridge his East Coast family with his West Coast family providing wisdom and insight to his granddaughter as well as her siblings and cousins throughout their young adult lives as they struggled to raise their families.

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In this breathtaking historical/ romance, novel -rich in history and adventure author Virginia Degner spans continents and centuries and creates a world of sheer passion and desire.

Book Cover

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Without Consent spans the world, from a little gold mining town in the mountains of California to the rugged coast of Scotland. This mystery is for readers who like a bit of murder and mayhem mixed in with their romance.

Social worker Ariel Frazer Houston’s life is about to change forever. After both her step-mother and her husband, Morgan, are murdered within a week, it becomes obvious that Ariel is the target. She doesn’t realize the killer wants to cover up evidence of an illegal procedure performed on her body without her knowledge or Without Consent.

The situation becomes so frightening after Morgan’s murder that Ariel is urged to leave California until the killer is found. She flees to Scotland to live with her grandparents, and all is well until Ariel discovers she is pregnant with twins.

Ariel meets up again with Riley, who was both Morgan and Ariel’s best friend. He stepped aside and never told her of his feelings. Riley persuades Ariel to see historic Scotland with him. Their journey brings the two close together, but the past is about to catch up, when the murderer kidnaps Ariel after she returns home in California.

Above all, Without Consent is about family and family connections, by birth and by choice. It is about trust, renewal and hope.

About the Author:
Virginia R Degner of Castro Valley, California, is a retired social worker and former newspaper reporter. She and her husband are parents to three and grandparents to four. She has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is working on her next book.

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At the core of personal insightful writing is a hungering for wholeness, for self, for meaning. The question of “Who am I?” reverberates quietly behind the reflections the author shares in this book. As does a willingness to share with her reader’s her own quest for love, hope and peace.
-Bonnie Best
Author of Weave the Threads of Your Life.

In every life there are defining moments when one’s heart begins to open, when the realization of who one is begins to dawn. These moments may be small and subtle. But each can leave a person forever changed.
The Daily Reflections are meant to offer an intimate glimpse into the musings of the author and encourage the reader to join her in discovering their authentic self-hidden among the Daily demands of their life.
Read a daily reflection and savor your own musings as it opens up a dialogue between author and reader to reflect, and enjoy.

The carefully selected quotes from notable women make up the latter half of the book and are included to spark key memories of special moments and reminds us how very important it is to share with each other through a mixture of reflections and quotations about women’s solidarity with each other.

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These Haiku poems deal with the issues of food addiction. The poems cover topics such as intimacy, fear, play, sharing secrets, and anger. The poems address one of the twelve steps of the recovery process within the poems.
Virginia Degner is a former social worker and has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology with a specialization in addiction.

Full Book synopsis/summary:

This Haiku Poetry deals with the recovery issue of Anger and Forgiveness. Both are difficult subjects for overeater’s or other’s with addiction issues to deal with. Through the art of poetry this author addresses these issues in a way that helps readers to release and heal their anger issues and get to a place of forgiveness

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This book of Haiku Poems deals with the issues of control, change, and acceptance. These issues for overeater’s are difficult to come to terms with. As the reader pages through the Haiku poems, the author hopes they will experience a poetic and spiritual balance in their healing process.
Read daily these positive meditations, bring the experience of food overeater’s into the light where hope resides, making change and healing possible.

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I hope that this book will be an aid to individual reflection and meditation.
In the effort to to share special moments with my reader’s, I encourage them to try writing Haiku poems of their own personal journey.

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All time family favorite recipes like homemade Lasagna and Chicken Quesadillas made healthy. Virginia Degner combines tasty home cooking with fresh, wholesome foods with low-fat cooking techniques to create a recipe collection you’ll love to use for years to come. Some highlights include: More than 200 luscious recipes to satisfy your taste buds and all your cooking needs.

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